Here's the handspun crochet shawl that kept me busy for a few weeks this early fall.
Yep, and that means a
sale of epic proportion as I make way for new designs and products at Krafti-Kit. We're talking like...half-off most of the store! I love those packages going out. And things are moving quickly out that door so if you like it, snag it.
I also just got my first little newsletter out the "door". It was little, minimalist and I hope that it will be more in the future, but I didn't have time for the learning curve on this one and needed to get it out.
There are so many ways I like to communicate with other crafters. Just a couple of days ago I was on Twitter, chatting with other crafty folks the #craftsocial conversation that happens once a month. We were talking about pricing our work and once we got started, there were so many aspects, the 2 hours just flew. The main take-away points were educating our consumer about how exactly we make what we make so that they will understand what they are paying for. The second big point was to become "activists" for creating a culture in which craft artisans are paid a livable wage or more. Really relevant conversation for everyone there.
I'm going to take a little look through the blog archive here and see what else I can tell you about when it comes to this process of creating kits. But, before I end here I'd like to remind folks that I'm still on my path to turn you all into needlepoint nerds. Free mini kits are going out until I'm out of these babies. The little needlepoint pattern goes in a card for a completely impressive gift when finished.